氣候變遷對印度洋鮪旗類漁海況暨資源影響研究-印度洋主要鮪類資源及漁場分佈與中長期海洋環境變動關係之影響 (100)
- 修改時間
- 109年11月21日
- 點閱率
- 888
- 內容
年度 2011 計劃名稱 氣候變遷對印度洋鮪旗類漁海況暨資源影響研究-印度洋主要鮪類資源及漁場分佈與中長期海洋環境變動關係之影響 中文摘要 研究印度洋鮪類漁場與海洋環境之長期變遷與變異特性,以及主要鮪類資源與漁況變動如何受到海洋環境變異的影響,並探索目前與未來之氣候因素造成的可能衝擊,以評估海洋環境變異可能帶來的衝擊 (1) 衛星遙測等海洋環境資料解析印度洋海洋環境的變異特性 (2) 印度洋主要經濟鮪類漁獲量變動與海洋環境變異的關係 (3) 分析印度洋鮪類漁場受到環境變動中期與長期之變動特性 (4) 評估未來氣候變遷情境對鮪類所照成的可能衝擊 英文摘要 In this study we try to analyze the fishing condition and stock abundance of major commercial tunas in Indian Ocean in relation to the long-term climatic variability. Satellite remote sensing of marine ecological and environment coupled data will be established in order to evaluate possible impact from climatic and environment variability and to promote sustainable utilization of tuna resources. We aim to reach follow following items: (1) the characteristics of marine and fishing ground variability in Indian Oceans by using satellite remote sensing; (2) the fluctuation of fishing and stock condition for major commercial tunas in relation to the oceanic environmental variability in the Indian Ocean; (3) Long-term and short-term for fishing ground in relation to the oceanic environmental variability in the Indian Ocean; (4) the influence of climate change on the major commercial tunas. 計畫編號 100農科-10.1.2-漁-F1(2)